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Coatings Ingredients
Online Course

Testing Rheology & Viscosity in Practice

On-Demand Course

Recorded onMar 22,2023

Generate relevant and useful rheological datato support your developments by selecting the right rheology test (controlled rate or shear, rotational or oscillatory...) & interpreting test results correctly.

Joshua Marshwill guide you through thevast range of methods and equipments available, share pros & cons and practical considerations to help you determine the one most suited for you.

Get Clarity around the core fundamentals of Rheology.
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Read the full Course Outline

Presented By:
Joshua Marsh

Length:90 min

Course Type:Methodology

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Package includes:

.wmv Courses Recording, Presentation Slides & Transcript of Q&A session

Why should you view this course?

With the range of viscometer and rheometer methods available to the typical lab worker it is little wonder selecting equipment anddeveloping and validating a test method for R&D or QCcan be a daunting task.

Methods ranging from simple spindle viscometer methods to sophisticated and powerful rheological profiling and characterization are within the reach of most labs now but the wrong choice of test method, or the incorrect interpretation of the results, can render a test virtually useless with costly consequences. Join this course now and:

  1. Gain in competitivenessby better describing your product flow behavior (Zero-shear viscosity, thixotropic recovery rate...).

  2. Save time inselecting your equipments(simple viscometer, mid-range rheometer...) by understanding their benefits and drawbacks.

  3. Generate finer rheology databy knowing thebest method to use– Controlled rate or stress? Rotational or oscillatory?

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Testing Rheology, Rheology

Who should view this course?

Formulators, QC managers & technicians and Process developerswith a need to improve their approach to rheology and viscosity testing.

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Course Outline

The following sections will be covered during this session:
  1. The needs of industry: research, product development, process design and quality control

  2. The Rheologist’s Toolkit: Critical parameters for characterizing your products

  3. Rheometers and viscometers: the key differences: cost, capability, performance and ease of use
    1. Controlled stress and “high performance” rheometers
    2. Brookfield-type spindle viscometers
    3. Accessories: Cones, plates, cylinders etc

  4. Rheology and viscosity test methods: An examination of the pros and cons of procedures for testing suspensions, emulsions, solutions and gels
    1. Viscosity profiling methods
    2. Obtaining repeatable and relevant viscosity values
    3. Quantifying yield stress and thixotropy
    4. Oscillatory test methods for viscoelastic profiling

  5. Tips for buying a rheometer or viscometer

  6. 30 mins Q&A- Interact live/ ask questions directly from the expert!

The concepts will be presented in an accessible style, without the fearsome equations that often dominate the published literature on the subject.

Have a query? Email usfor any help!

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Want to put principles to practice?

Join part 1 ‘Rheology & Viscosity Made Easy.Joshua Marshwill help you:
  • Manage the rheological profile of your product
  • 通过连接控制流变学
  • Ease your viscosity adjustments with practical examples
Add ‘part 1& get10% off
use code:COMBO10

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Members Reviews

It provides an opportunity to learn how to properly set up my rheological component to our operations.

Adam B. , from OneSun, Inc.

Excellent! It explained a very broad subject in a very simple approach. It covered many areas we are currently dealing with.

Gustavo B. , from Lorama Inc

Made me think about the data I have generated and whether more information was present in the curves than I realized.

Laura S. , from Energizer Personal Care

There were very good examples of when the various measurement techniques would be used for different applications.

Jennifer B. , from Honeywell

我知道nothing about rheology before the course. Now I have lots of ideas of how I could use rheological tests to understand my material and how to use rheology parameters as targets for development. I now understand concepts of zero shear viscosity, yield stress, infinite shear viscosity, and models for these values.

Chris H. , from USDA Forest Products Lab

Taking a rather complex topic and presenting it in a simplified uncomplicated way enables all levels of users to benefit. We had in our group technicians, mid-level, as well as PhD's who equally enjoyed the clear, concise and simplified presentation.

Herbert C. , from Cray Valley USA LLC

Helped to better understand what we are measuring with which rheometer. I can now measure more than just viscosity.

Christelle M. , from Interpolymer

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