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Coatings Ingredients
Online Course

Formulation Strategies for Multi-Substrate Bonding

On-Demand Course

Recorded onApr 3,2019

Design promising bonding solutions for dissimilar substratesin creative new structures or parts with tailored properties (light-weight vehicles to new-age electronics...)

Edward Petriewill share material selection tips, formulation strategies, joint designs and processing requirements to control thermal expansion coefficient, reduce internal shrinkage, extend service temperature range… to design flexible yet tough structural adhesives for multi-substrate bonding.

Read the full Course Outline

Edward Petrie Presented By:
Edward M. Petrie

Length:90 min

Course Type:Formulation

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Package includes:

.wmv Courses Recording, Presentation Slides & Transcript of Q&A session

Why should you view this course?

Consumer & industrial products (automotive, medical, electronics…) are witnessing advances in technology todecrease weight, improve performance, and reduce cost. And consequently, the adhesive industry is faced with problems ofoptimally bonding multi-substrates & reducing internal stress levels. But, lack of knowledge on the materials, properties, formulations, processing, joint designs, etc. leads to early product failure & eventual customer dissatisfaction. Time is precious so make smarter choices ! Join the Live Course to:

  • Gain knowledgeof the unique requirements of dissimilar joints

  • Understand the types of adhesives& formulations (epoxies, vinyl copolymers, acrylic, urethane) for flexible yet tough multi-substrate bonds

  • Enhance your know-howon processing techniques & joint designs that are most successful

  • Improve your understandingof emerging technologies in the industries (automotive, medical, electronics…)

  • Avoid early product failure& meet today’s consumer/ industrial requirements (decrease weight, improve performance, and reduce cost)
Formulation Strategies for Multi-Substrate Bonding

Who should view this course?

  • Adhesive formulators and R&D professionals
  • Design engineers
  • End-users engaged in:
    • bonding dissimilar materials
    • failure analysis
- If you are contemplating new product designs, need to meet specifications & regulations, or want to resolve current problems this course will prove profitable.

Course Outline

  1. Why Bonding Dissimilar Materials is Difficult– The Problem of Internal Stress and Cure Shrinkage

  2. Solutions Available for the Formulator and End-User

  3. Optimal Adhesives Formulations for Reducing Internal Stress
    • Polymer technologies (弹性体、环氧树脂、乙烯基共聚物、丙烯酸,你ethane…)
    • Optimization of properties (controlling thermal expansion coefficient, extending the service temperature range…)

  4. Optimal Joint Designs

  5. Optimal Cure Conditions(including time-temperature staged cure)

  6. New End- Use Applications
    • Light-weight automotive structures
    • New-age medical & electronic products

  7. 30 mins Q&A- Interact live/ ask questions directly from the expert !

  8. Have a query ? Email usfor any help !

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Members Reviews

EXCELLENT ! Extremely practical oriented and up to date from technology point of view.

Emil G. , from Cabot Corporation

Excellent ! I got a deeper understanding of bond stresses.

Adams , from Applitec

Very good ! Learnt new techniques to characterize structural adhesives.

Jesse D. , from Henkel Technologies

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