The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients
The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients

Cost-Saving Packages

The more you attend Online Courses, the less you pay!
Cost-cutting packages provide an easy access to technical trainings all year long. Once you have a package, simply select "Use my Credits/Unlimited Access" as a payment method.

Every year our cost saving packages users save 30K€ on average!

Details 5 Course Credits 10 Course Credits Unlimited Access
Course Credits 5 Courses 10 Courses Access full library (170+) courses
Credits Usage 1 Credit - Regular Access
2 Credits - Group Access
1 Credit - Regular Access
2 Credits - Group Access
This access can be used by anyone from your company, from anywhere in the world!
Price 999€ 1499€ 5999€
Benefits 33% Saving 50% Saving 30K € Saving
Valid 12-months from the date of purchase 12-months from the date of purchase 12-months from the date of purchase

It's smart for you & easy on your pocket !

Special Note for Decision Makers:

When you spend money, it's normal to wonder if it’s well used. That’s why we are reporting on a regular basis about the account usage. Our experience also shows that people need reminders to keep using any yearly access… so, every month, we send our package users a calendar which lists all the courses of the month.

2023 Online Course Program
"Training brands around the World"

Brands Benefiting from Us
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