The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients
The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients

Clear All your Questions (Online Courses)

Answers to Frequent Questions about Online Courses Welcome in this Help Center!

We've tried to be as comprehensive as possible to answer all the questions you may have about SpecialChem Online Courses. In the event you still need support after reading this page, simplyemail us. We generally answer within 24h (working days).

General Information about SpecialChem Online Courses

See answerWhat is an Online Course?

An Online Course is a 90-min event presented by industry experts. Last 30 minutes of each course are left for questions & answers. You can get personal advice on your own cases, when you register to the live session!

We're here to help you and your team to achieve technical excellence, adapt to new regulations and keep up with innovations. For this, we always adopt a practical angle – we only include theory when it’s needed to gain in autonomy & make wiser & faster decisions.

See answerAt what time do SpecialChem Online Courses start?

All SpecialChem Online Courses are broadcast from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Central European Time, unless specifically noted. On each course page, you can check the start time in your local time.

We recommend you to connect at least 15 minutes before course start time.

See answerIn what language are SpecialChem Online Courses?

SpecialChem Online Courses are in English. We are happy to have attendees from all over the world. To ease the understanding of the course by anyone:

  • We provide the presentation slides at least 24 hours before the course starts, so that you can get familiar with the content. We make sure key information is clearly stated on the written document.
  • During the Q&A session, you can write your questions and all answers are provided in a written form as well after the event.
  • If needed, you can also ask for the recording to review the course at your own pace.

See answerWhat are Course Types?

Course Types are here to help you quickly find the best Online Course for your needs:

  • Formulation Coursesprovide practical support to better select your ingredients, and to solve common problems.
  • Innovation Reviewscome back on latest achievements from the last 12 months and their impact on the technical landscape
  • Regulation Coursesreview legal requirements in simple terms & how product developers can best comply
  • Methodology Coursesshare ways to gain in efficiency in your day-to-day work
  • Technology Coursesreview how to best use tools and equipment

See answerWhat does the Course Rating mean?

Every course we run gets rated by attendees. Course ratings show the percentage of attendees who rated the course content as Very Good or Excellent.

  • 5: More than 80% of attendees rated the course as Very Good or Excellent
  • 4.5: More than 70% of attendees rated the course as Very Good or Excellent
  • 4: More than 60% of attendees rated the course as Very Good or Excellent
  • 3.5: More than 50% of attendees rated the course as Very Good or Excellent

We do not offer courses below 3.5 rating: either we decide not to reschedule them or we completely reshape the content.

See answerCan I suggest a course topic?

Yes, your ideas are more than welcome! Simplyemail us.

See answerHow can I manage my Online Course alerts?
  • You have a SpecialChem Account: You canmanage your preferencesin your SpecialChem profile. Go in the section entitledMy Subscriptions并检查/取消”提醒我们最新的生活Online Events"
  • You are a Guest Visitor: You need tocreate your account- it's free. Then make sure to check "Be alerted on our latest Live Online Events"

Registration to a Live or On-Demand Course

See answerHow do I register to an Online Course?

From the top menu on SpecialChem homepage, click on the Innovation Resources tab and selectUpcoming Courses. Go on the description page of the course you would like to attend. Add the event to your cart and proceed to checkout.

You can also purchase the Course Material alone by visiting theOn-Demand Courses page.

See answerWhat will I get with my Online Course purchase?

Your registration includes:

  • A link to join the live event (links are personal and cannot be used by two persons at the same time). You can create two extra links for your colleagues, when you opt for the Group Access.
  • Slides of the course at least 24h before the start time
  • Time to directly talk with the Course Speaker to get advice on your own challenges
  • Transcript of the questions & answers session
  • Expert’s contact details in case you need to discuss further

See answerWhat will I get with my On-Demand Course purchase?

Your purchase includes:

  • A link to watch in streaming the course recorded during the live session
  • Slides of the course
  • Transcript of the questions & answers session
  • Expert’s contact details in case you need to discuss further

See answerWill the live course cover my specific needs?

SpecialChem Online Courses are public sessions and we create content to be as close as possible to product developers’ needs. To make sure you end up with valuable insights for your own case:

  • Let us know about your specific challenges prior to the course (simplyemail us). We will share it with the expert and see if it can be included in the presentation itself.
  • Ask for advice during the questions and answers session. Our experts have a deep industry experience and they are able to address topics far beyond the course presentation!
  • Sometimes questions only come after a night of sleep… no worries; you cansend your questionsup to the Sunday after the live course. All the questions will be answered in the Q&A transcript.
  • You will also get expert contact details after the course, in case you need to contact him/her at a later date.

See answerWhat is the deadline to register to an Online Course

Although you can register up to the last minute, we recommend that you finalize your registration few days before the course starts. When paying by bank transfer, please allow enough time. Such payments usually take 3 to 5 working days to reach our account.

See answerWhat do I need to attend an Online Course?

You need a computer with an Internet connection to view the course slides, a microphone and speakers (a USB headset is recommended) to listen to the speaker. You may also listen to and interact with the speaker over the phone.

See answerHow can I check my computer can access the interface used for SpecialChem Online Courses?

Our Online Courses are conducted using Citrix GoToTraining. To confirm that your computer is configured for access to the event, please checkGoToTraining system requirements.

See answerCan I attend SpecialChem Online Courses with my colleagues?

To join with more people select Group Access, which provides you with 3 connections.

For larger groups, please checkcost-saving packages

See answerWhat access should I choose?

Opt for theRegular Accessif you plan to attend alone. With this access, you will receive one joining link.

Please select theGroup Accessfor three connections.

For larger groups or specific needs, please checkcost-saving packages

See answerWhy am I charged VAT?

By default, VAT is charged when you live in the European Union. To be exempted from this tax if you are not based in France, simply provide us with your VAT code at the Order review step. Please remove space, ’-’... The system only recognizes letters & figures.

After your Purchase of a SpecialChem Online Course

See answerWhat happen if I can’t join the live session?

Whatever the reason (busy agenda, time zone difference…), you can access the recording of the live course. When registered to the live session, you can ask questions to the course speaker by email. Answers are provided in the after-event transcript.

You can also purchase the Course Material only, when the live session is over. Check outOn-Demand Courses.

See answer我可以转移我的在线课程注册吗colleague?

Yes, you can pass your course details to a colleague, in case you do not attend yourself. Please remember that until you inform us, the registration stays in your name and you will receive all documents.

If you register for someone else, best is to declare this person as the Lead Participant. He will receive information to attend the course (joining instructions, course slides…). You will receive details about the payment.

See answerHow can I pay for an Online Course?

You can choose among the following payment methods:

  • Pay by Credit card: Card details are processed via a secured payment center
  • Pay by Bank transfer: When you select this payment method, we create a purchase order. On this document, you will find our bank details and the reference to mention when making payment. Please remember that such payment can take up to 5 working days to reach our account.
  • Use your Credits / Unlimited Access: For this option, you need a valid package at the date of the course. Credit users need to have enough credits on their account. We deduct one credit for a Regular Access, two credits for a Group Access. Learn more about ourcost-saving packages.

See answerWhat information will I receive once I paid for my registration?

Person listed in Invoice Details: As soon as we receive your payment for a course (i.e. immediately for a payment by Credit Card; when money reaches our account for a payment by Bank Transfer), you will receive the invoice.

Person listed as Lead Attendee: We will email you the joining instructions. In case it is a Group access registration, you will also receive an email to create two additional links.
One day before the course, you will be able to download the course slides so you can take notes and start to think at your questions.

See answerWhat should I do if I have not received my Purchase Order / Invoice / Joining Instructions / Course Slides?

这是通常的时间接收文件from us:

  • Purchase Order:发送电子邮件与您的购买订单on as you click the “Pay by Bank Transfer” button in the cart. In case you need an invoice to release the payment, pleaseemail us
  • Invoice
    • Payment by Credit Card: The email with your Invoice is sent as soon as your payment is recorded.
    • Payment by Bank Transfer: Invoice is provided once we receive your payment in bank. It can take up to 5 working days from the time you make the payment.
  • Joining Instructionsare sent to the person registered as the Lead Participant. It should be received by the next working day, once you complete your registration.
  • Course Slides:The day before the event, you will receive an email to download the course slides.

If we’re beyond these timeframes and you have nothing in your spam box, pleaseemail us

See answerHow can I log in on the course day?
  • 1. Click on the link (or copy-paste it in your browser) that was provided in the joining instructions email. We recommend you to connect at least 15 minutes before course start time
  • 2. Click on "Launch GoToWebinar"
  • 3. If the GoToWebinar course window does not show up, click on "download GoToWebinar" on the right corner of the page, then click on the "Download GoToWebinar" button and follow instructions.
  • 4. Once connected, wait until the course starts
  • 5. In the top right corner, please select the type of audio you would like to use to hear and interact with the speaker:
    • Mic & Speakers (recommended): make sure your headset is connected and the volume is not muted.
    • Telephone: dial the telephone number and the access code provided. Please ensure you also dial the Audio PIN

See answerHow can I rate the course I attended?

At the end of the course, we will ask for your feedback. Letting us know about your Online Course experience is really valuable. It helps us improve course content over years. It also helps future attendees decide if it worth registering!

If you did not fill the rating card during the course, no worries… we will send you a link to do so afterwards!

See answerWhen will I receive the Q&A transcript?

Q&A transcript will be available approximatively 3 weeks after the event. We allow participants to send us their questions up to 5 days after the event and then, the expert needs few days to provide a written answer to all questions. Rating the course is mandatory to receive this document.

Cost-Saving Packages

See answerIf I regularly attend SpecialChem Online Course, can I get discounted rate?

Yes, we have created cost-cutting packages to help you train more while keeping control on your budget. You can save up to 55% with Courses Credits and EUR 20,000 in average with an Unlimited Access!Learn More about our Cost-Saving Packages

See answerWhere can I buy a Cost-Saving Package?

From the top menu on SpecialChem homepage, click on the Innovation Resources tab and selectCredits & Unlimited Access. Once on the page, add the package you want to your cart and proceed to checkout.

See answerHow can I use my Course Credits / Unlimited Access?

Once you've selected the course you want to attend, add it to your cart. At the payment step, click “Use my Credits or Unlimited Access”. That’s it! You will receive an email with joining instructions as soon as SpecialChem validates your registration.

See answerHow can I check my Credits left or the Expiration Date?

Although we regularly report about your account usage, at any time, you canemail usif you need an update.

Cancellation Policy

See answerCan I cancel my registration to an Online Course?

Yes, you can cancel your order any time prior to the course byemailing us.

Cancellation will be charged as follow:

  • 30% of the access price if we have not yet sent course slides
  • 50% of the access price, when course slides have been sent

If you want to cancel because you are no longer available for the live course, it’s probably better to:

  • Transfer your registration to a colleague at no extra cost
  • Ask for an access to the course recording. You can still ask your questions to the expertvia email. Answers are provided in the after-event transcript.

See answerCan I cancel my purchase of an On-Demand Course?

No, there is no refund on course materials purchase.

Online Courses Speakers

See answerWho are Online Courses Speakers?

Online Courses are created and presented by industry leaders who are all passionate about sharing their expertise with their peers. Some are independent experts, other are retired or even employed by chemical companies. They all agree to provide an unbiased view on their topic. They only pursue the goal of letting industry people benefit from what they learnt over their years of practice.

See answerHow can I become an Online Course Speaker?

Pleasefill the formto let us know about your expertise. We select people who have years of practical expertise to share with product developers from the adhesive, coating, cosmetic or plastic industry, and who are fluent in English. .

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