The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients
The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients

Boost your Technical Skills with SpecialChem Online Courses!

Our online courses are designed to provide you and your team the necessary support to achieve technical excellence in thePaints, Coatings and Inksindustry. Be it ingredients selection for yoursmart coatingsor gaining in depth knowledge onWater-based film inks,rheology testing,TiO2optimizationor any other formulation solutions, our courses deliver precise technical & formulation solutions to troubleshoot your challenges.

学习顶尖行业专家these90-min online coursesto:
  • Better select the right ingredients
  • Tackle your formulation issues
  • Innovate faster than ever

You can choose from over a wide library of courses classified into following categories:
  • Formulation
  • Innovation
  • Methodology
  • Regulation
  • Technology
Stay ahead of the game by learning latest tips & tricks, cost-effective solutions and insider industry knowledge withSpecialChem Online Courses.

Who are your trainers? Top Coatings & Inks industry experts!

Jochum Beetsma -coatings pigment dispersion
Jochum Beetsma
Terence Kenneth - inks
Terence Kenneth
Edward Petrie
Edward M. Petrie
and many more...

What your peers have to say about SpecialChem Online Courses

"Provided me with information I have missed in my studies. It also provided me with information for further evaluation in the future."
R&D Technician from Lord Corporation

"I liked the professional delivery by the speaker; obtained useful links to resources, suppliers & references."
Product Development Manager, BASF

"It is very good to hear from a lecturer with extensive real-world experience rather than (or in addition to) just academic knowledge. The specific examples, anecdotes, and advice regarding specific materials is invaluable."
R&D Manager from Quantum Leap Packaging
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Contact us to apply as a Specialchem trainer.

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